
When You Need to Board Your Dog and Cat

Aside from providing us with companionship, our four-legged friends also brighten our days by getting rid of the blues and giving us something to look forward to amidst a stressful life. There is never a boring moment with them, whether they’re a dog or cat. Sure, there are times when they may get too naughty or hyperactive for their own good. However, this is simply the nature of pets, and it is our duty to ensure their safety and well-being at all times because they are family too.

There may come a time when we may need to go on a vacation with our family, bringing with us only the amenities that would prove to be useful during our trip. While we may have the urge to bring our pets with us, it isn’t always possible. Luckily, we have the option to board our pets in a place where they will be taken care of while we are away.

It may seem tempting just to leave them in a random boarding facility so we may go on our trip without any delay. However, there are a couple of things you must first consider before you may even pack your bags for the trip. The following pointers may help you out in picking the right boarding place for your pets.

  • The Certification of the Boarding Facility

Before you would even leave your beloved pets at the care of the boarding facility, you must first validate whether or not it is legitimate and well-qualified to handle pets of all shapes and sizes. The problem with new facilities is that they often promise many things just to get many pet owners to sign up for their services. Sometimes, their service packages are just over-exaggerations, which can harm your four-legged friends in the long run.

Not only would this result in the mishandling of your pets, but this may also cause them to experience unimaginable trauma and health issues while you’re away.

  • The Cleanliness of the Boarding Accommodation

A good pet boarding facility showcases perfect cleanliness, no matter the number of pets assigned within their branch. Of course, there will always be certain odours and messes around floor space that often houses four-legged creatures. However, that can never be an excuse for an unkempt facility lacking in hygienic measures.

Be sure to observe the cleanliness of the boarding branch and try to look for alternatives if ever you detect certain neglect in their facilities.

  • The Pet Amenities of the Boarding Facility

One of the most crucial things that you should be looking out for would be the amenities within the place. Since you and your family are going away on vacation, chances are, you wouldn’t be seeing your pets for a week or two. In such a case, you must ensure that the boarding personnel will provide all their needs. Their daily intake of food and water is non-negotiable, neither is their playtime and nap times.

Find an accommodation that has them all and give your pets the vacation that they also deserve. If your pet takes any medication, make sure the facility can administer them accordingly.


Finding the right pet boarding facility may not be easy, but knowing the dos and don’ts will definitely make your search easier in the long run. By taking note of the facility’s certification, its cleanliness, and all its amenities, you may very much get an idea of how qualified they are to handle your beloved pets.

Do your own research and find a facility that checks all the right marks. Trust us; your four-legged friends will even thank you for it.

If you are looking for a well-trusted pet boarding facility near you, look no further than our accommodation and services here at The Paw Resort & Wellness Centre. Our mission has always been about caring for pets and providing our clients with outstanding customer service; after all, we are known for our high standards that you can always expect, and your pet deserves! Contact us today and let us provide your pet with great accommodation during your lengthy family vacation.

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