
Visit a Pet Resort – 4 Reasons It’s Perfect for your Furry Friend

Visit a Pet Resort – 4 Reasons It’s Perfect for your Furry Friend

If you want to make your pet de-stress, a “spaw” or a pet spa might just be the place for it. Pet spas or resorts provide a cat or dog grooming, training, and boarding. You might be on top of your pet care game and a stellar groomer, but that does not mean you will not benefit from sending your dog to a pet spa. Here are some things that might convince you.

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1. Spas have specialized products and equipment

Since they provide professional grooming services, spas have the right tools like shears and clippers for dogs of all breeds and coat types. A spa will have large, stainless steel tubs with a walk-up, which help get sporting and herding breeds easily in and ready for a bath.

These places would also have hose nozzles with various controls to differentiate the water pressure depending on the dog’s fur or skin condition. In addition to these, spas have shampoos, soaps, and balms that are formulated for pets. If your dog has a rash, you do not have to worry, since a pet spa can groom him or her adequately.

2. Their groomers know just what they are doing

You may be particularly worried about how your dog would react when bathed by someone other than yourself. With professional services, you are sure that the groomers are trained to handle various scenarios. Dog spas have employees trained in first aid, canine body language, and other techniques in communicating with animals.

Groomers are patient with excitable pets, calm under fire, and would know how to handle a variety of breeds and ages. They will also know what lumps and bumps are normal, and which ones are a cause for concern. Your groomer will be quick to notify you if they see suspicious marks or conditions on your dog that must be checked by a veterinarian.

3. Spaws are intentional about making pets relax

A good resort will provide a calming atmosphere for a dog. There will usually be gentle music playing in the common areas and aromatherapy for pets. A thoughtfully-designed pet boarding center will have large windows, which help pets see where they are and reduce anxiety. There will also be a specific procedure for calming and grooming.

If the owner wishes, they can even leave with their groomer specific scents, clothing, ties, teeth products, and other items their dog or cat is used to. That will soothe the pet’s nerves and let them see that this, like any other grooming session, is normal and shouldn’t be feared.

4. There are post-grooming options available

At a pet spa, caring for your dog or cat goes beyond bathing and trimming. Some places offer nail trimming and polishing, ear cleaning, de-matting, massages, and even gland expression. If your dog has a cut specific to its breed, you can even request this from the staff. Finally, if you want to extend your services, you can book a stay at a spaw’s boarding services.


A pet spa or resort offers a variety of grooming options for your pet. Getting the best one for you and your furry friend means knowing the extent of services, the rapport you have with the staff, and the overall quality and value for money you will get.

If you are looking for a paw spa in Brandon, book a stay with us at The Paw Resort & Wellness Centre. We are looking forward to meeting your furry friend!

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