
Top 6 Dog Grooming Myths

It is essential to avoid believing false claims about your pets to ensure they live the best life they can. In this article, we bust these myths related to dog grooming.

by Matt


What You Need to Know about Emergency Dog Boarding

Do you know what emergency dog boarding is? Well, imagine daycare, but for dogs. Essentially, dog boarding is what you’ll do when you need to go somewhere for a while and need someone to care for your furry friend.

by Matt


A Guide to Properly Trimming Your Cat’s Claws

Every cat dreads that feeling of the clippers slowly closing down on their delicate nail. When they feel the cold, hard steel against their tender paw pads their first instinct is to get away. The cat struggles and tries to escape.

by Matt


Is There a Right Way to Give Your Dog a Treat?

Most of us may not be aware that there is a wrong way to give our dog a treat. While you may not have meant to do it, you must change this habit soon into the proper way as it could have negative consequences for you and your dog.

by Matt


Do’s and Don’ts of Pet Dental Care

You might not be aware of it, but February is National Pet Dental Health Month. To celebrate this and to spread awareness, The Paw Resort and Wellness Centre will get into the details of keeping those dog and cat chompers clean, healthy, and sparkling:

by Matt


What to Consider When Training a Rescue Dog

You may get a fearful dog who will need some time to get used to new environments or a senior dog who has a hard time moving around. It may be a stressful transition initially, but you will get their real personality coming out as they start to adapt and get comfortable.

by Matt


4 Handy Tips for Managing Dog Shedding

Therefore, pet owners must know how to manage their pets’ fur excessively. Keep your pets’ fur under control by remembering some of the best practices of fur management at home.

by Matt


4 Amazing Benefits of Doggie Daycare

Although locking up dogs is still the most effective way to keep them at bay, most dog owners prefer to indulge their best friends in a dog daycare. Nowadays, people value their connection to their pets, making it easy to leave them taken care of in a dog daycare near them. But aside from the round-the-clock supervision, how else do doggie daycares benefit dogs?

by Matt


9 Convincing Reasons to Seek a Professional Dog Trainer

When dogs are properly trained and behave appropriately, everyone is happier. This allows a dog to experience less stress in their life, along with increased tranquillity in a household.

by Matt


Your Guide to Travelling With Your Pet During the Holidays

Travelling over the holidays to spend time with your entire family has always been an enduring tradition by many. Of course, your family wouldn’t be complete without bringing your furry and lovable pets with you. Nothing beats spending time with your loved ones and your beloved pets over the holidays and just enjoying their company.

by Matt