
Good Reasons Your Furry Friend Needs Regular Activity

Your furry friends can become overweight from overeating, eating too many treats, or from an illness. No matter the reason, an overweight pet is never a good thing and should be looked into as soon as possible. Here are some of the best reasons your animal can benefit from activities in a pet boarding facility:


By four to six years of age, pets—particularly dogs—with hypothyroidism often begin to display classic disease symptoms, including weight gain, excessive shedding, and lethargy. Take your dog to the vet soonest if you suspect they have hypothyroidism.

Minimal Physical Activity

Another apparent reason is that your pet is too sedentary. However, there may be a twist to their exercise equation. Just like people, animals adapt to exercise routines. This can render them less effective over time. If they take walks every day, consider adding five or ten minutes of higher-intensity activity, like a rousing game of fetch.

However, if your pet is the one nudging you to play catch or run around in the backyard, don’t ignore them. Engage! This keeps them healthy and increases your bond.

When booked at a pet boarding facility, the staff take their customers out for walks and activities to stay fit and healthy.

Old Age

Just like humans, as pets age, they lose muscle mass over time, known as sarcopenia. A loss of muscle mass is associated with a slower metabolism, which leads to fat gain. Higher-protein diets have been shown to help prevent or slow muscle loss, so keeping your furry friend healthy and active in old age is essential.

Take your dog to the vet if they slow down so much that you fear they won’t enjoy life anymore—the vet can tell you if there are any ways to put a spring back in your pet’s steps.

Too Much Food

Your pet could be overeating without you knowing it, especially if someone else in the house is giving them treats or people’s food. An excellent way to manage your pet’s food or treats intake is to mark it down on a whiteboard or calendar so the whole household shares the information.

You can also book them in a pet boarding facility when you’re out of town. Their focus on priority involves a balanced diet, so they only eat what they need without adding weight (and discomfort) to their frame.

The Wrong Diet

Human and animal diets greatly vary. Whereas we require carbs to function, animals like your pets are fueled by protein. Most commercial dog foods are formulated for animals in peak physical condition, so a different diet is needed if a pet is older or gaining weight.

Low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets can cause an animal’s blood sugar to crash, increase their appetite, and lead to major illnesses such as blindness and diabetes! Look for a high-protein diet low in carbohydrates instead to help keep pets full and lean.

The Proper Animal Care Sometimes Comes from a Pet Boarding Facility

Schedule regular checkups with the vet to ensure your beloved pet stays in tip-top shape. Do follow their instructions to the letter, as these prevent your animal from contracting any short- or long-term diseases that will negatively impact their health.

But if you’re going out of town and need proper care for your furry friend, don’t leave them behind with a neighbour; book them at The Paw Resort & Wellness Centre instead! We’re a pet boarding facility that treats animals like family by monitoring their diet and involving them in physical activities that make them look and feel their best! Take a tour of our website to learn more!

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