
4 Handy Tips for Managing Dog Shedding

Shedding is a typical circumstance for most animals. However, several factors contribute to cats or dogs shedding their fur excessively. But over time, excessive fur shedding may lead to health risks that can put their owners in the wrong place.

Therefore, pet owners must know how to manage their pets’ fur excessively. Keep your pets’ fur under control by remembering some of the best practices of fur management at home.

1. Choose the Right Pet Breed

There are several different pet breeds. They grow differently, and some shed more than others. If you want to get a pet, ask the breeder to tell you about their breeding. Several dogs and cat breeds are known to shed a lot. When getting a dog that sheds excessively, expect your home to be covered with dog hair.

Also, some dog breeds that shed a lot tend to shed their hair in different colours. For example, blue Great Pyrenees Doberman pinschers and short-haired Weimaraners are the top species that shed a lot. The same goes for cat breeds that shed abundantly. Some of the most common breeds include Himalayan cat, Persian cat, and Russian Blue cat.

2. Invest in a Shedding Tool

Shedding tools come available in different sizes and shapes. You can easily see them in pet stores or online stores. You can also find a device designed to tackle shedding issues on dogs and cats specifically. Companies make them out of different materials, ranging from rubber to metal. Some of their functions include extracting loose hair and dander.

Consistently cleaning your pet’s fur is a hassle. Thus, investing in a shedding tool can be beneficial to pet owners. It will help you remove the excess of your pet’s fur in your home. There are several types of shedding tools. Some are made from natural materials, such as palm leaves and rubber. A good shedding tool should catch all the fur your pet will shed. It should also be easy to use, like a brush or a plastic comb.

3. Feed Pets a Healthy Diet

What you put in your pets’ mouths directly impacts their health and how their fur grows. If you want to keep your pet’s fur healthy and undamaged, feed your pet with a rich moisture diet.

Many pet owners are unaware that a healthy diet is also a great way to manage hair shedding. It promotes better blood circulation and helps reduce the stress on your pet’s body. As a result, excess hair will stop being shed too much. Also, remember to use supplements to help pets’ fur grow more healthy.

4. Visit the Veterinarian

Some pet owners simply bring their pets to the veterinarian for checkups and vaccinations. Others, especially new pet owners, may not realize the importance of a regular veterinarian visit. For example, visiting a vet can help you manage your pet’s fur better. During such visits, you can get some of the best advice on how to maintain your pet’s coat.

At these visits, your veterinarian may tell you about the best type of brush to use for your pet. They may also recommend certain supplements that can help promote healthy hair growth. Some vets may suggest specific fur treatments like a detangler or a conditioner. These are among the most effective ways to manage pet hair.


In a home, it’s essential to understand why pets shed. It helps you determine the best ways to manage your pet’s fur. We have discussed all the significant reasons why pets shed so much. But just like all other aspects of pet care, you need to understand how to manage it with care. Healthier pets will lead to a more beneficial household.

The Paw Resort and Wellness Centre aims to serve high-quality pet service to our clients. We are also the best cat and dog groomer in Brandon, Manitoba. However, if you’re looking for a pet boarding centre near you, contact us today to learn more.

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