
What to Consider When Training a Rescue Dog

Are you planning on adopting a rescue or shelter dog? Training and caring for these dogs may be different from training and caring for a puppy you get from a pet store.

You may get a fearful dog who will need some time to get used to new environments or a senior dog who has a hard time moving around. It may be a stressful transition initially, but you will get their real personality coming out as they start to adapt and get comfortable.

This article will run you through some special considerations when training a rescue dog.

Don’t Set Your Expectations Too High

Expectations are a good thing, but setting the bar too high might not be a good idea when it comes to dog training. You should have reasonable expectations of your dog.

Rescue dogs are sometimes abandoned because of bad habits such as excessive barking, peeing in the house, and making a mess when left without supervision. It is best to assume that they have no training, and you will have to start from the very beginning.

These dogs may also come from physically or psychologically abusive environments. It might take some time for them to gain enough confidence to be comfortable and bond with you.

This can be a challenge, but it would be best to remember that these dogs have been through a lot. Patience and compassion are the keys to helping them.

Set Some Time for Them to Adapt

It is vital to give your dog some time to adjust to living in a new home. Unlike puppies that adapt quickly to new surroundings, rescue dogs may be suspicious of new people and new environments.

They often come from places where they were not fed well, made to stay in crates, and were given little to no attention. They are likely to be nervous, especially when they are in a new place.

They need time to get used to your home, live with your family, and be cared for because they are family too.

Have a Consistent Daily Routine

One of the ways that you can help your rescue dog feel safe and secure is by having a consistent daily routine. Life on the streets is unpredictable, and these dogs have to be on constant high alert.

Having a consistent environment and routine helps them ease their anxiety.

It would be best to follow the same schedule for waking up, meals, and the walk. You can also be consistent in doing the house chores such as cleaning up after meals, walking the dog, and taking them to the bathroom.

The dog will learn that their time with you is pleasant, and it will become easier to get them used to the new environment.

Set Consistent Rules

When dog training, you will have to set some rules and be consistent in imposing those rules. These dogs do not know the rules in your house, and they might not be used to living with humans.

While it is tempting to let them get away with unruly behaviour initially and correct it later, they won’t understand why it was okay before and not okay today. They may continue doing the misbehaviour.

You have to set clear boundaries to keep them safe and secure.


Training a rescue dog can be a challenge, and you will have to be patient, consistent, and compassionate. As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to help them adapt to a new environment and not take advantage of them.

Do you need help with dog training in Brandon, Manitoba? The Paw Resort & Wellness Centre offers training classes for puppies or newly adopted dogs with behaviours you need to change. Our experienced trainers offer high standards that you expect, and your pet deserves. Book your training class today!

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