
The Importance of Pet Dental Health — What Pet Parents Need to Know

Like humans, pets also need proper oral hygiene. By taking care of your pets’ oral hygiene, you also get to take care of their health. That is why you need to be mindful of your pet’s oral health. A strong indicator of oral disease is bad breath—and no, it’s not something pets “naturally” have. Although your pet’s breath may not be fresh all the time, it shouldn’t smell bad that it will nearly make you gag.

The Importance of Dental Health in Pets

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There are many reasons bad oral hygiene can affect your pet’s health, such as:

  • Bad breath

  • Tooth loss

  • Oral pain

  • Organ damage

Yes, your pets can experience bad oral pain. If it’s not addressed immediately, it could lead to organ damage wherein bacteria in the plaque can enter the bloodstream and spread to vital organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and liver.

Pet Dental Disease

Dental disease can affect the teeth, gums, and the structures that surround the pet’s teeth. It all starts with a simple plaque buildup on the tooth enamel that has bacteria and food particles. As mentioned, if it’s not addressed, it can have detrimental effects. The plaque will remain on the tooth surface, which will eventually harden and turn into tartar.

When the tartar is above the gum line, it can still be fixed quickly. However, if it is below the gum line, inflammation can occur that can cause damage. At this point, your pet can experience severe pain.

There are factors that contribute to pet dental disease:

  • Age: Dental disease is more common in older pets. You can see evidence of it as early as three years old.

  • Breed: Smaller dog breeds are more likely to have overcrowded or misaligned teeth that are challenging to clean.

  • Food: Some foods can increase your pet’s risk of dental disease, which is why you need to consult with your vet for a nutritional recommendation.

Symptoms of Dental Disease


An effective way to address your pet’s dental issues is to know how to recognize dental disease symptoms. The most common symptoms are:

  • Bad breath

  • Bleeding gums

  • Tooth loss

  • Drooling

  • Yellow or brown crust on the tooth’s surface

  • Change in chewing habits

Better Dental Health

It is extremely important to protect your pet’s dental health. Although it’s impossible to achieve perfect oral hygiene, you can be proactive and help prevent dental disease.

For one, you can have professional dental cleanings in which pets are placed under general anesthesia for vets to be able to clean above and below the gumline. Another thing is to discuss nutrition with your vet as diet also contributes to your pet’s dental health.

Last but not least, you need to brush your pet’s teeth. This will take some patience, but it will be worth it in the end. Make sure you reward your pet for their cooperation as well.

Happier Smiles for Your Pets

Pay close attention to your pet’s dental health to ensure that they’re comfortable and happy. Although it will take time and some money to keep your pet’s oral health in check, it will be worth it!

Here at The Paw Resort, your pets’ comfort is our priority. We are a doggie daycare in Brandon, Manitoba. When you leave your dogs with us, trust that we will take care of their dental hygiene as well. Contact us today!

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