
Pet Poisoning: What Should Pet Parents Do?

It’s all fun and games until your beloved pooch munches on something quite dangerous, right? As pet parents, it can be incredibly terrifying to think of our puppies and kitties ingesting something that can compromise their health.

Sometimes, we often forget that this is a possible scenario. Our four-legged family members have an innate curiosity that won’t stop them from chewing on whatever piques their senses. For cases like this, dog training can be extremely helpful in managing your furry friends.

How Can Dog Training Protect Your Pets from Eating Food They Shouldn’t?


Learning everything you can about life-threatening foods, plants, and substances is the best thing you can do to keep your fur-babies safe. That’s why in this article, we’ll share with you what every pet parent should know about pet poisoning — the different plants you need to stay away from, harmful house products, and what you should do in case of an emergency.

Let’s get to it!

Pet Poisoning Symptoms to Watch Out For

Ideally, you want to witness what your cat or dog ingests so you can act quickly and take the necessary steps to keep them safe. Additionally, you’ll also have enough information to give to the veterinarian to help deal with your pup and kitty’s case.

Here are some symptoms that indicate pet poisoning:

  • Difficulty breathing, panting, and excessive drooling;

  • Excessive drinking and urinating;

  • Diarrhea;

  • Vomiting;

  • Loss of appetite;

  • Lethargy;

  • Depression;

  • Weakness;

  • Rapid heart rate;

  • Seizures;

  • Dilated pupils;

In severe cases, poisoning can lead to death. So if you’re suspicious about your dog’s behaviour, it’s always best to contact your veterinarian right away to rule out any severe complications.

Foods, Drinks, Plants, and Products Your Pets Should Stay Away From

Dogs and cats love to steal food from our table, and what makes this dangerous is that most pet parents aren’t aware that some of the food we eat can’t be consumed by our four-legged family members. Here is a list of foods that your pets shouldn’t consume:

Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, soda, or tea;

  • Alcohol;

  • Grapes or raisins;

  • Nuts, such as macadamia nuts;

  • Chives, garlic, and onions;

  • Salty foods;

  • Foods with high fat;

  • Yeast dough;

  • Some dairy products;

Besides food, here are some plants that your furry friends should also stay away from:

  • Amaryllis;

  • Birds of Paradise;

  • Daffodils;

  • Eucalyptus;

  • Hyacinth;

  • Hydrangea;

  • Iris;

And finally, here are some household products to keep from your pets:

  • Dryer sheets;

  • Antifreeze;

  • Window cleaners;

  • Laundry detergent;

  • Drain cleaner;

When your pets consume any of the things we mentioned above, it can lead them to experience mild to severe symptoms. And without proper action, it may lead to severe complications at the best and death at the worst possible scenario.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep things away from your furry loved ones and let them undergo dog training to ensure that they’ll stop doing dangerous activities when you command them to.

What to Do During an Emergency?

If you think that your furry pal is in trouble, remember to stay calm and follow the tips below:

Contact your veterinarian immediately and don’t attempt to treat your pet by yourself;

Handle your pet with care and have as much information with you as possible;

Take a picture or sample of their vomit or feces so your vet can examine it and diagnose your pet properly.

The Bottom Line: Always Keep an Eye Out for the Safety of Your Pet

Our furry loved ones are incredibly curious beings. Because of that, they are at high risk of eating dangerous and potentially poisonous food. Knowing the different symptoms you should look out for, foods they should avoid, letting them go through dog training, and what to do in case of an emergency could save your pet’s life.

Are You Looking for Dog Training in Brandon, MB?

We only want what’s best for our furry loved ones, right? If you’re looking for the best pet services in Brandon, MB, you’ve come to the right place.

The Paw Resort & Wellness Centre is a family-owned 7,000 square-foot facility in Brandon, Manitoba, that offers multiple pet services under one roof and in a glorious setting your pets will definitely love.

Learn more about our daycare and dog training programs today!

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