
Pet Meditation: What it Is and How It Works

One big component of companionship is getting to know the other person and seeing how they feel about certain things. And, as we all know, a companion isn’t limited to those of us with two legs because pets are almost as amicable and friendly as humans can be.

If you feel like you want to get to know your animals a little better, you might want to try out pet meditation. It can be quite an eye-opening process that brings you and your pet closer together!

Here’s what you need to know:

What Is Pet Meditation?


Pet meditation is exactly what it sounds like. It’s when you meditate alongside your pet and practice getting into that calm and mindful headspace. Deciding to try out this meditation technique can be a breath of fresh air for pet owners who can’t concentrate on their own, and it’ll bring out a good mental state to start your day with.

With pet meditation, you recognize that every animal can also be as calm and meditative as you are. Although it may not seem like it, every wildlife has its own mind and thoughts. They can feel joy, sadness, tiredness, curiosity, fear and a whole lot more. Your cat or dog is no exception to all that.

How Does Pet Meditation Work?


Pet meditation works by just sitting back in a relaxing pose and observing your animals. Some of your hyper little canines may find it hard to adapt and calm down a bit, while domestic cats and others may find it natural. Either way, pet meditation works just like meditation for humans does: quieting yourself down, focusing on your breathing, and moving your attention to something else.

Most people who try pet meditation find that it works best when their attention is focused on their four-legged friends. It can provoke thoughts about how they must be experiencing life, how much they trust you, and the family that you’ve formed with them.

How Do You Do Pet Meditation?


Many people can do pet meditation differently. Others simply just sit on the floor with their pet, keep their eyes closed, and breathe. Although there are other ways, the most important thing is to see whether your pet is comfortable engaging in the activities. Some might take a while to come around, but it can be such a fulfilling experience for both of you. Here are a few examples:

  • Pet Yoga. Pet Yoga, Dog Yoga, Doga—there are just tons of titles for this pet-friendly activity. Essentially, you will be going into different types of yoga poses and breathing techniques with your pets that will help their physical and mental well-being.

  • Watch Your Pets. Gazing at your pet can calm one’s self and discover new little details about them, such as the way their ears can perk up when they look back at you or how their tail wags out of joy.

  • Spend Time With Them. The biggest thing to help with pet meditation is setting out a schedule and spending time with them at the park. It puts the stressful days behind you and your pet, which is all you can ask for when meditating.


In summary, pet meditation helps you relax and relieve any stress you and your pet might have. It can be quite the experience that puts you and your little companion into a better state physically and emotionally, which is why every pet owner should try it at least once.

Looking for a doggie daycare in Brandon, Manitoba where your pet can play and relax? The Paw Resort & Wellness Centre is a family-owned facility that strives to provide the best pet services that fulfill the high standards that you expect and your pet deserves. Get in touch with us today!

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