
Is Crating Your Pet While You’re Away Cruel?

There’s no doubt that paw-parents want what’s best for their furry friends, but when you have untrained pets ready to wreak havoc on your home when you’re out for a few hours, would putting dogs or cats in a crate feel like too cruel of a fate?

The topic of using crates is heavily debated in the pet community since one spectrum believes it can be healthy since it mimics a cat or dog’s natural instinct to hide in a “safe space.” Meanwhile, the other half thinks it’s a form of animal abuse, but generally, it depends on the situation.

When you choose the right size and ensure it’s a comfortable space for them to stay for a few hours, leaving your canine buddies in a crate won’t lead to a disaster.

Ensure the Crate Is a Safe and Happy Place for Your Pets


The purpose of crates is to keep your pets secure when you’re away, but leaving them in a cramped spot can turn this supposed resting place into a punishment for your four-legged family. Always choose a crate that is too small; they won’t have any space to move around comfortably.

On the other hand, it’s not a good idea to choose a size that’s too big since it doesn’t help with their potty training. Be sure to take them for their morning routine before letting them hang out in the crate for the day to avoid any accidents!

As for ensuring the crate feels like a small afternoon escape, take some time to pad the floor so your pets can feel cozy inside. Don’t forget to place their favourite food, along with a fresh water source using a dispenser to keep it secure compared to a bowl.

When Is It Okay to Leave Your Pets in a Crate?

If you do your best in turning the crate into their mini oasis, then it’s okay to leave them for the time being while you’re out on an errand run. However, the general rule of thumb is that your pets can only healthily stay in crates within the following timeline:


Any more time than that can risk their happiness and comfort since they may start to feel neglected.

The Bottom Line: Knowing When to Use Crates or Opt For Other Pet-Friendlier Options


If you’re only going out for a few hours of the day, then letting your pets spend their afternoon inside the crate can be a beneficial activity for them. However, if you’re planning to go away for more than eight hours, it’s better to let them hang out in a safe space where they can get lots of love, food, and exercise such as animal boarding. Think of them as a daycare, only for your fur babies!

Why Trust Your Pets with The Paw Resort When You’re Away?

We’re a paw spa in Brandon, Manitoba that provides the best pampering services and animal boarding for your furry companions. We can keep your pets clean, comfortable, and carefree in an environment tailored to suit their unique needs because your pet’s comfort is our priority.

Because looking and feeling their best is our business, we can promise your dogs or cats will feel like they’re in a pet haven under our care at The Paw Resort. After all, we’re so much more than just a boarding kennel!

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