
Dog Boredom: What It Is and What You Can Do About It

Humans and dogs have had a long history that dates back to thousands of years. Our forefathers selectively bred man’s best friend to do specific duties, such as hunting, herding, retrieving game, carrying items, or just providing companionship. Their intelligent brains are wired to do certain activities, but many of our furry friends nowadays don’t get to do what their ancestors did.

Now that we’re in the modern age, many of our beloved companions don’t get to hunt, roam around, or pull on sleds anymore. Lots of us have to work a nine-to-five job and have to leave poor Fido at home for a huge chunk of the day.

Being cooped up at home with nothing to do is not a nice feeling for anyone—especially our happy, bouncy, furry best friends. Like any of us, dogs also get bored when they spend their days alone. If you’re concerned that your faithful companion might experience boredom and want to do something about it, this is a guide for you.

What Is Dog Boredom?

Dog boredom is a negative feeling that can leave our furry friends sad and frustrated. They have all this pent-up energy that they can’t spend, so they channel it in other ways. Often, this leads to problematic, destructive behaviours.

There are many telltale signs and symptoms of this uncomfortable emotion in your dogs. When they’re alone at home, they might try to spend their energy by chewing on your shoes and couch, unrolling toilet paper, digging around at random places, and even shredding your cute pillows and stuffed animals.

If you come home and your house is a mess, it can be distressing for both of you. Try to be patient—they don’t mean to destroy your things. They’re just craving stimulation and will do anything to pass the time.

Dog boredom can also be apparent when you’re there. If they’re always clingy and restless, they might be looking for something to do. Other times, they may lunge at you or your guests to beg for attention. When you see these telltale signs, it’s best to do your part and reduce their boredom. They deserve it—because they are family, too.

How to Manage Dog Boredom

Unchecked dog boredom can lead to many problematic behaviours, but fortunately, there are numerous methods to manage it. Some ways of providing your furry companion with their much-needed stimulation include:

1 – Play Games with Them


Dogs are intelligent beings who love mental stimulation just like us. It’s best to train their brains by playing games with them. Challenging their abilities can be fun for them, so do entertaining activities with them like hide-and-seek, tug-of-war, or making them look for a hidden treat or toy around the house.

2 – Give Them a Good Workout

Giving your dog ample physical exercise every day will help them spend their energy in more productive ways than chewing up the couch. Specific breeds have different needs, and some may not feel tired even after a ten-minute walk. Make sure to let them do other activities like playing fetch or running freely in your yard.

3 – Let Them Socialize

Dogs are social animals, and they thrive when they meet others of their own kind. Socialization is highly stimulating for dogs of all ages, so it’s best to ensure that they regularly play with other pooches. Leaving them at doggie daycare or accompanying them at a dog park can do wonders for their boredom.


Dog boredom is a real condition, and it can be stressful for our furry friends and us. Destructive and clingy behaviours are telling signs of this negative emotion, and it’s essential to do something about it. Giving them playtime, workouts, and socialization activities are some of the best ways to stimulate their brilliant brains and help them feel calmer, healthier, and more paw-sitive.

If you’re looking for a state-of-the-art doggie daycare in Brandon, MB, The Paw Resort & Wellness Centre is the place to go. We’ll provide your furry companions with the best quality of care in a natural, safe, and stimulating environment. People trust us, and pets love us. Call us to book today!

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