
5 Proven Ways to Calm Your Stressed Dog

As a human, you know how difficult it is to deal with stress. It can negatively affect your health, and you’ll suffer from it physically, mentally, and emotionally. Imagine if your dog feels the same anxiety. It’ll be a lot more difficult for them since they cannot clearly express their feelings.

As their fur parent, you need to be there for them. To do that, you need to be aware of the changes in their behaviour. After all, they are always there for you whenever you feel sad or stressed out, so it’s only right to return the favour.

If you have no idea how to do that, don’t worry; we are here to help you with that matter. Here are some of the proven ways you can do to calm your anxious dog:

1. Take Them for an Exercise

Just like in humans, exercise is also effective in relieving dogs’ stress. It can help them divert their focus and not think about what’s causing them stress. It’s one of the best ways to help them, so take them for a walk, a trip to the park, swim, or any form of physical activity. Remember, you’re hitting two birds with one stone if you take your dog to a regular, daily exercise. Why? Because exercise will not only relieve their stress but can also make your dog’s life longer and healthier.

2. Provide Them With Some Crate Training

While some people think that crate training is like imprisoning a dog, the truth is, it is not. In fact, crate training is beneficial when it comes to calming your dog’s anxiety. Why? Because it serves as their comfortable, quiet, and safe place when the environment around them becomes too chaotic. It can lessen their stress because they feel protected when inside a crate.

3. Participate in Dogya

Dogs can have some yoga too. You can encourage them to join you in your yoga session and teach them some calming poses. Combine it with a gentle massage and stretching techniques. It’s an effective way to make your canine friends feel relaxed.

4. Remain Calm and Treat Them Nicely

Keeping pace with your dog’s aggressive and all-over-the-place attitude and behaviour will do no good for the both of you. Just so you know, dogs quickly pick up on human emotions. So, if you become upset along with them, they’ll simply copy and continue the behaviour. That said, you need to remain calm to keep your dog calm. Giving them a nice tone and calm attitude will significantly help relieve their anxiety and stress.

5. Wrap Them in a Blanket and Spend Some Time with Them

Sometimes, your presence is enough to relieve their stress. After all, the most common reasons for anxiety in a dog are abandonment, fear of being home alone, loud noises, and others. So, if you make them feel that you are there for them, they won’t feel anxious anymore.

For more effective soothing, wrap them in a blanket and place them on your lap. Then, spend some quality time with them and stroke their fur so that they can feel your presence.


As you can see, there are a lot of ways to calm your stressed dog. There’s no need to panic because if you follow these simple yet effective tips, there will be a huge difference when it comes to your four-legged best friend’s behaviour. Remember, being there for them is always the best solution, so make sure to let them know and feel that.

At The Paw Resort & Wellness Centre, we know how important your pet is to you; that’s why we love what we do, and that’s to love your pet too. We are a family-owned facility that offers dog training in Brandon, Manitoba, and other pet services in a stunning, natural setting that can meet all your pet’s needs. Your pet’s comfort is our priority, so contact us today to learn how we can help you!

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